Father McDonald Class of 1977

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The page is a place to tell everyone what you've been up to.
Updated December 29 2007

Submit your info by clicking on the E-Mail link to Steve and I will post the information to the website.Send me your name and any contact info you wish, plus a little synopsis of what you've been up to.

Send an E-Mail to Steve HERE

Susan Weiss(Hamlett)
Contact Info

Well I can’t believe that so many years have gone by.


Quick update on my life –

After Father Mac, I went to Vanier and then on to Concordia, married my sweetheart, Phil in 82 and we immediately relocated to Ontario to find jobs.

Then came 18 years in the travel industry planning vacation and corporate travel.  It was fun until they deregulated everything and the perks disappeared one by one.  So I decided to join the rest of the high tech crowd and signed up at Sherdan for a couple of IT courses and ended up hooked on programming. 

In 2001, just prior to completing my diploma, I landed a job at Thermo Fisher Scientific, a Laboratory Instrumentation company, programming robots.  I remember saying to one of the employees a couple of days into my stint here, that I couldn’t believe they would pay you to have so much fun.  Well, 6 ½ years later and many 60 hr + weeks, the paycheque is welcome even if it’s still enjoyable.

Phil is still with Dominion of Canada, 25 yrs later.  He is on the E-business solutions side, programming as well.  At night we talk about stupid things that show up in code and why things don’t work the way they should.  No, really it’s interesting : )

Seriously, we have lots of fun together and have just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.



James Wiles
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I have been putting this off for much too long and figured I better get it in before we all meet on May 19th.

When I left Father Mac I went off to Vanier to study Pure and Applied Science.   What should have taken 2 years actually took about 3 as I took some time off in between semesters.

From Vanier I went off to McGill to “Behold the bright countenance of truth in the quiet and still air of delightful studies”.  Having been thoroughly influenced by Sal I spent the next few years obtaining and undergraduate degree in physics.   Upon graduation I realized that although physics was a lot of fun, it wasn’t necessarily going to take me anywhere, so I walked down the hill and entered the Engineering program. (Sorry Sal). I emerged 3 ½ years later with a second undergraduate degree, this time in Mechanical Engineering.  My trip through McGill lasted 8 glorious years and I still look back fondly on my time there.


After university I landed a job as a design engineer at Hewitt equipment, the Caterpillar heavy equipment dealer out in Pointe Claire on the Trans Canada.  I stayed there for just over a year when my future wife, Linda, and I moved to Ottawa. The plan was simple, she would go to Ottawa U for 2 years and then we would hightail it back down the 417 to Montreal, and a real city, as soon as we could.  That was 1990.  Here we are in 2007 and we are still happily in Ottawa.  In that time we married and have a wonderful son, Kevin, who is 11 years old. 


I have worked at three different engineering jobs in Ottawa, the first two related to the marine industry (my first love in the business) and for the last 10 years at a company that designs and builds test facilities for aircraft engines.


The move from the big city unfortunately resulted in me losing contact with many friends from my days at Father Mac and I am very thankful to Patrick and all of the members of the committee who have worked so diligently to pull the reunion together.

Mark Glazer
Contact Info

Hello fellow Classmates,

Finally I got the nerve to write a little about what’s happened in my life during the last 30 years.

In 1977 while continuing to work for my father, at Glazers’, during the day I decided to go to Vanier and attend evening courses.  After a couple of years and getting nowhere I decided to work full time for Glazers’.  Well we’re now 2007 and I’m still working there. I became a salesman in 1989.  In the course of a week I meet many people and each day is like visiting a friend.

In 1985 I married Maria.  This year will mark our 22nd wedding anniversary.  We have 2 beautiful daughters, Natasha 18years old this summer and Amanda 6 years old.

During spring breaks we go to our chalet in Rawdon and ski.  The children love it.

We reside in St. Leonard and love this community.  People in this community love to chat, I love to chat also.

I’m a lucky guy who met a truly wonderful woman.  Her family has been very good to me.  We enjoy the many parties and get togethers.

I can’t wait to meet my old pals.  I have not been in contact with many, so the reunion will be very exciting.  I hope some classmates will remember me.

See you soon . . .


Charles Crawford
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  I have thoroughly enjoyed the reunion website - it is almost like looking through a time machine, with 30 years of time boiled down into a few paragraphs and teenagers transformed into middle-agers, instantly! Quite something.
   I have especially enjoyed Sal's stories. In reponse to his "A Noble Profession" story, I can attest that Sal truly does qualify with flying colours. I have seen him off and on over the years and he has always been somewhat of a mentor and always an inspiration. I recall in high school that we occasionally teased him for his particular style - I remember creating the "Lancione Bingo" game where I made bingo cards with some of Sal's favourite expressions such as "and that's the beauty of physics" or "he was a great man... of course he was Italian" and handed them out before class.  I am not sure if he ever caught on, but I am sure he wondered why people started cheering when he uttered one of his famous lines.  But as much as we liked to have fun with Sal, I know he inspired many of our classmates. When you think about it, he actually built a computer, created classes and a club in computer science and got kids programming before PCs even existed!
   Over the years, having run into a number of Sal's ex-students from ours and
other years at Father Mac, I can attest he has had a profound and positive affect on more than he will ever know.  And Sal was not the only dedicated teacher that we knew at Father Mac who had a positive influence over so many of us.
   As for myself and my time-machine capsule... after Father Mac I went on to
Marianopolis in sciences, got a BSc from Concordia and an MBA from Western
Ontario. Returned to Montreal and worked in marketing for Gillette. After a few
years, I decided to take some time off and travel the world with a backpack.
It was great experience and after returning home, I began teaching university
full-time at Concordia in marketing and also had a consulting business. It was great and very rewarding, however despite Sal's advice to remain in teaching, I decided to set out on the path of being an entrepreneur.  At the age of 30, I left teaching and started an industrial equipment manufacturing business and then some years later, two software companies. Each of these businesses did relatively well and I learned probably more from the mistakes along the way as I did from the successes.  But I did manage to build each of these up and then eventually sell them - "a serial entrepreneur" as some would call it. 
   In 2000, I decided to start yet another business, but this time combining both
business and lifestyle.  I bought a 430-acre apple farm in the Eastern
Townships and began producing a high end dessert-wine style product call ice
cider (www.icecider.com).  More than just a business, it was a long-desired
reason to move to the country with my family and to get into the wine business.
The business has grown quite a bit and we are selling in almost 30 countries
around the world - so I am having fun in a business I love and along the way I get to travel quite a bit and to some pretty nice parts of the world. 
   So, we now live full-time on our farm with my family near the village of
Frelighsburg which is about an hour from Montreal and near the Vermont border (and importantly to me, near the mountains for skiing and hiking).  My wife of 12 years, Susan, has a PhD and is a prof at Bishops university. Our daughter Haley is 11 and an aspiring author and our son Scott is 10 an aspiring Crazy Canuck on the ski slopes. Enjoying life here and looking forward to stimulating a few brain cells at the reunion trying to remember the faces from the pre-PC era.  And, that's the beauty of physics ... or is it time?

Cathy Pegan
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I was born the daughter of Hungarian Immigrants in Sydney, Australia but I now call the United States of America home. The family traveled to different continents until 1971 when we settled in Montreal, Quebec. I lived with my mom, Katalin and my dad Les; my brothers, Zoltan and Ron.

After graduation I spent a summer in Budapest, Hungary, and then visited several States in the United States before settling in Florida. The adventure was just beginning when in June 1978 destiny leads me to a recruiter’s office and I sign up for a tour in the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Married husband number 1 in 1979; birthed one and only child, Keith in 1980; divorced in 1981 and headed for Virginia. Husband #2 showed up in 2001 and departed only from my world in 2003 but 2 years later rented a home just a few houses down from mine. My life has never been boring.

The change of seasons here in Virginia makes this one of the most amazing places in the world.

Twenty years of working in finance, they call it work for a reason, has now been followed by 6 years in computers and technology. SWIFT (banking software not the meat packing or trucking companies) has been my employer since 2001. Not only do they send me to Brussels on the company’s dime but they also paid for my Bachelor’s of Science in IT (better late then never).

Spare time is filled with family, good friends, the dog, and the Harley (Softail).

My heroes are my Granny who taught me that everyday is a new adventure, my Dad who is never too busy to listen when I need a friend, my Mum who has been a worthy adversary and keeps me grounded, anyone willing to help a stranger in need, and Betty Boop for making full figures hip!

Narja Leiva
Contact Info

Hi Everyone,

   Well, ever the procrastinator, my fellow Committee members have put the pressure on and I cannot delay any longer.

   It’s really hard to believe it’s been 30 years….that’s a lifetime!!  And by the looks of it some of us have had quite an interesting time of it.  As for me, I went to Vanier right after leaving Father Mac where I went into Health Sciences having always loved Biology.  Stuck it out for 2 years but finally gave up when I ended up having to take more Physics classes than Biology (sorry Mr. Lancione & Mr. Scalzo but physics is not my bag!). 

   I went to work for a swimwear/lingerie manufacturer where I worked my way up to V.P.’s assistant while also being the fit model (ahhhh the good old days).  I then worked for a company that organized exhibitions at Place Bonaventure & Palais des Congres and was lucky enough to be involved in the organization of the Fifth International Conference on Aids.  What a great experience!  Met some amazing people that were dealing with living with Aids at a time when medication was not yet available to prolong life the way they can now.  It was also a time when there was much discussion and controversy about pharmaceutical companies “profiting” from dying people and pricing their medication so high that it was not available to many.  This prompted a few protests during the conference including some ladies of the night walking through the exhibition hall yelling “Fifty bucks for a b--- j--!”  It was memorable!

   During this time I met, or rather “re-met” my husband who happens to be Nicole Dufresne’s brother.  Having known Nicole for some years I had met her whole family, but never noticed her brother.  I guess the planets were aligned or something and the fireworks exploded!  We’ve now been married almost 13 years and have a beautiful daughter, Yasmeen.  I have been working for Air Canada for almost 18 years and am currently in the Cargo department where I am the Cargo Revenue Manager for Asia & South America.  You would be amazed to know what’s under your feet as you fly to your next destination!!  Everything from live bees, tropical fish, tigers, fruits & veggies, cars, vaccines and medical samples, the new Harry Potter books and even Oresto’s geoduck!

   Well that in a nutshell is what I’ve been up to for the past 30 years.  It’s been great fun to read everyone’s experiences over the past 2 years.  I really hope to see all of you at the Reunion.  Patrick & Steve have put in an incredible amount of work into getting us all together and it promises to be a blast!!!


Michael Woloschuk
Contact Info


What I've Been Up To For The Past 30 years: The Short Version

First of all, what really makes me feel like an old bastard are the photos in the yearbook. And I'm not talking about the student photos—I'm referring to the pictures of the teachers. I bet that, when those photos were taken, not one of the teachers were older than 40! Still, it's nice to experience the memories they bring. And it's wonderful to look at the website Steve has put together and catch up on everyone.

 Secondly, I am living proof that the old Chinese saying—"May you have an interesting life"—is both a blessing and curse. Because I have been both favoured AND damned by the life I've led. I'll give you the succinct version and anyone who wants more can email me for the full story.

              After graduation, I completed about six minutes and forty-two seconds of classroom time at Vanier before realizing that CEGEP wasn't for me and got a job at some computer outfit downtown. I got married, fathered a son, and was divorced before my 25th birthday. I went back to school as a mature student, did a BA in English Literature, and in my final year hooked up again with Father Mac alumnus Brendan Cahill, who turned me on to Concordia University's one-year, super-duper intensive graduate diploma in journalism. In 1990 I graduated, and began my career in journalism.

              For the next 10 years I worked at a whack of newspapers, beginning with the Haliburton County Echo, the Cobourg Daily Star, Kingston Whig-Standard, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, and finally The Ottawa Citizen and Ottawa Sun. I did broadcast journalism as well, working for CBC Radio on two separate occasions. I published a book—a national bestseller—about the McCain feud, called Family Ties: The Real Story of the McCain Feud (Key Porter: 1995) and a host of magazine articles, for which I won a National Magazine Award in 1994. I also won awards for my investigative journalism. My biggest and best-known story was tracking down and finding the father that rock guitarist Eric Clapton never knew. (Those of you who know me will remember that I was a Clapton fan when it was not cool to be one, so it was really a special achievement to be able to have an effect on Clapton's life.)

              In 2000 I made the leap into editing. I became an editor at the Shanghai Daily in China, before moving onto a corporate editing flunky position for City University of Hong Kong between 2001 and 2003. In 2003, I snuck back into Montreal, where I was the Web editor at CBC Montreal until 2004. Since then I have lived with my wife in Nagoya, Japan, where I worked as a corporate hack for Toyota Motor Corp. I am now back in Canada and am an editor at the Toronto Star.

              And there's lots of other things about me, which I won't bore you with. Except to say that I still play guitar, I look forward to jamming with Peter Tiedemann when some day, I remember Peter's BMW 2002 because I drove in it and salivated on the carpets I think, and I still think of Peter when I put Johnny Winter Live And on the stereo, and every morning when I shave I think of Brendan Cahill because he started shaving when he was seven and he told me that some Italian barber at Val Royal shopping centre taught him to shave WITH the grain of the beard and not against it—advice that I heed to this day. Thank you for the memories everyone and I look forward to seeing you next month. And please write to me at my email address above if you like.

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Nicole Dufresne(Spencer)
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  After graduating from Farther Mac High School, I attended CEGEP St-Laurent where I studied: Les lettres & languages. In 1980, I took part of the summer and back packed Europe with a group of friends. Upon returning I began a 10 year working career in furniture sales and interior design. In the fall of 1984 I was swept off and married James Spencer whom some of you may remember from Class 76. We moved to Toronto when the IBM lab was progressing and Jim was offered an opportunity. ``Qui prends mari prends pays!`` We have lived there since. To our pleasure we have a son Christopher who is now 15 yrs old, 5 foot 11 inches. The boys club have won over me as I’m still 5foot 4 and a little wider!

Together we enjoy sailing, downhill skiing and watching movies. For the past 10 years I have been working for Sony Canada and travel to diverse dealers shows. This reunion will certainly bring warmth to my heart with the joy of seeing you again.

Lorrie-Ann Godbout(March)
Contact Info

Right out of school and into the work force           (Rate race)

Managed to squeeze in a few years of University           (Concordia)

Met a great boss and decided to marry him in 82.

He’s been my Boss ever since.                                     (What visa bill?)

My daughter is now a budding teen.                           (Grey hairs)

We have traveled to many cities and visited numerous countries but Montreal is our home

(Kiss, Kiss)

Colleen Norush(Reich)
Contact Info

   30 years later, yikes, must of blinked and missed it. I’m really 
looking forward to the reunion, there are so many people I hope to 
see and catch up with.

I’m happy to report all is good. Summing up my life in a 
paragraph... way back in ‘77 after leaving Father Mac, I studied and 
graduated in graphic design, worked for an ad agency and then ended 
up at Avon Canada as an Art Director. Somewhere around the mid 80’s 
I met my husband Ken, (celebrated our 22 year anniversary last 
September) bought a house on the West Island and multiplied! We have 
3 wonderful, talented girls, twins at 20, Kassandra and Stephanie, 
and Katie, who is our youngest at 15. I decided to stay home when the 
kids came along while working as a freelance graphic artist part-time 
from my home. Busy years, besides work, took up painting, taught art 
and just hung with the kids. About a year and a half ago, I decided 
to get serious about my work, rent office space and start a 
communications/design company full time with a partner. It’s been a 
great success so far and I’m having a blast.

Life is hectic, sometimes challenging but tons of fun, house is 
always full with family and friends, a huge dog and 3 cats, never a 
dull moment and I love it that way, I consider myself very fortunate.

Hope to see you at the reunion and if anyone wants to drop an email 
just to say hey, please do.

Oresto Panacui
Contact Info

   After High School I went for a holiday to decide if I wanting to go to College or not. I decided to join the Army. No life like it! That's for sure.I did two U.N. Tours to Cyprus. The second tour was one of my career high lights because I got to work at a water sports center for the troops. I was their guy to do what ever they wanted to do with water. And let me tell you guy's that all the beaches are topless and that Sweedish girls love Cyprus. There's even a place in Sweden  called  Gotland and there symbol is two rabbits doing it. haha! I served 8 years in the regular Army, 5 years with the  Victoria 3 PPCLI  Regiment and 3 years with the 2 commando Airborne regiment. I opened up an Italian restaurant in Victoria B.C. That was hard work..It was very stressful! I started using hard drugs to keep going and only got in debt more. I did something crazy to make money and got caught and did a long sentence and here I am again happier then ever. I am a Seafood Harvester Occupational Diver. My office is the Pacific Ocean and I love it. I dive for 3 species, Red Sea Urchins, Sea Cucumbers & Geoducks(giant clams). I work most of the winter and I'm off in spring & summer. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, I know were going to have a blast!!

See you all soon!!

René Choiniere
Contact Info

   After Father Mac I spent 4 months at Vanier and just didn’t have a clue what I was doing there.

Left school and went to work for Mitchel-Lincoln ( corrugated box mfg. ) and the rest is history.

Basically spent all my career in the packaging Industry. Had a 2 year stint in Toronto managing sales

For Smith / Induspac. Never really got comfortable in Toronto and in June 2004 I bought 50% of Acorr.

Being very consistent in business, Acorr manufactures corrugated boxes and I am having the time of my life watching it grow.


I stayed very active in sports through out the years. Had a once in a lifetime

Experience in 2001 and attended the 7th game of the Stanley Cup Finals in Colorado. Finally saw my friend Raymond Bourque raise the cup in his final game. I believe our 30th reunion is also a once in a life time event ….. don’t miss it.

 As for my personal life, well…… I finally gave up my freedom ( bachelor ) and got married January 17th 2007.

Yes I am a newly wed and trying to have babies !!! Of course my beautiful Griselda is younger !!!


PS : Father Mac’s 1977 Girls hockey team …….. be there !!!!!



Marilyn Murray
Contact Info

   After graduation  , I went on to vanier college. Karen Morris and I enjoyed most of the year together. Until march 1978 when my family was transferred to Winnipeg Manitoba. After the Easter holiday in Winnipeg, I went back to Montreal to finish up at vanier, unfortunately, true  to Quebec style, vanier went on strike. I never did finish the year and went back to Manitoba with my family. Unfortunately I spent 3 years trying to get my education up to Manitoba standards. I went to St Mary's academy , a private all girl catholic school. To get my grade 12. Another high school graduation, and I was at university of Manitoba, trying to get into nursing. Finally the courses were right, and I was accepted into Health science center school of nursing.

   June 1983, I  became an R.N.  August that same year, I became a wife.  My  husband owned his own repair business , in a small town 4 hrs east of Winnipeg, Dryden Ontario. That is where I made home. Working full time in a small 50 bed hospital. We are fully modern, and the central hub for the surrounding area. I have work mostly maternity, and presently working in the OR and emergency departments. 
  Unfortunately the marriage only lasted 17 years, before my husband went through a mid life crisis.  I  continue to reside in dryen, working full time.
  My 4 wonderful children, are my biggest joy and accomplishment. My oldest son is 20 at university of Ottawa, I have a daughter 18 in university of Brandon. Both are wonderful kids, quite musical. My next two are still young, and keep me young they are  11 and 9.
  I was lucky to have fate intervene and deliver my  soul mate. John is a wonderful father of 3 children. So together we have a full house of 7 children  2 are in university, and one is 9 giving us a wonderful blended family. John is  the answer to my prayers, and I am grateful for everyday with him.
  I miss city life occasionally, the night life, social life, but my heart is here. We are a smalll quiet town, where you can still leave your house unlocked. Your kids can go to the park , with adult bodyguards. You can launch your boat down the road and spend an afternoon fishing.
I am really looking forward to the reunion, seeing old faces, familiar places, going back to my roots.

Louise Archambault
Contact Info

   Hi everyone, well it's almost here, one-more month. Well in '79 I moved to
Brampton Ont... lasted almost a year and then moved back. Shortly after, I met my husband and it's been almost 27 years we're together... wow. I have 4 beautiful children, 3 boys and 1 girl, 25-boy, 23-girl, 20-boy & 18-boy. I'm happy to say that we are still very happy together, one of the rare ones. I'm very lucky. We now live in St.Lazare and we love it. Well theres not much else, looking forward to seeing all of you, hope everyone is well.

   See You Soon.

Jeff Baker
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Hello Class of ’77,

As your former Student Council President and Chief in Charge…..Blah, Blah, Blah and more Blah....... I am glad that is over with! Thirty great years have gone by with some ups and some downs. The downs in a nutshell are that I have not won Lotto 69, Super 7 or Western 649. The ups are that I have three incredible children (1 boy, 2 girls) and a great career as vice president of a large computer software developer in the hospitality industry. I am very proud that my son is an honor student at Simon Fraser University specializing in criminology and that my 2 daughters will be in junior high very soon (yahoo!). I have made my home in Edmonton since the early 90’s. Before that, I was a wanderer who lived in Calgary for 3 years and Winnipeg for 7 years (took wrong turn). Winnipeg was bearable only because I owned three art stores and worked all the time but I never made a penny…almost went broke but luckily I found a  buyer who eventually went broke later. That was a close one! As we all know, Alberta currently has a hot economy along with business organizations that represent our best interests. One of them is the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce in which I belong to. I am proud to say that I am an active member who had attended one boring meeting about a year ago and none after. Since then, I have been invited to every function ever perceived……can you imagine that!

I just recently went on a Caribbean Cruise to the Mayan region of Mexico and got engaged to my girlfriend of 5 years. I have been told no wedding date has been set yet…..mmmh! I guess I could go on and on but I won’t.


Pierre Ingram
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Gabriella Nedohin(Benedikt)
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Hello to All!


So what have I been up to for the past 30 yrs?? A lot! I could write a book about it, but I will keep it short.


I’ve lived away from Mtl. for 27 years.  Lived in T.O. for 10, in Arizona for 1 and now living in Santa Cruz, California for the past 16 years and loving it.


I’m married for 26 years to a wonderful man and have two wonderful sons, 16 and 19.  Before kids, we traveled some, Europe and Asia.  Took a yearlong honeymoon and traveled across Canada and the US.  Basically, quit our jobs at the time and left in our very small camper.  It was quite an adventure.


Since in the States, I’m self-employed doing special event planning and decorating as well as catering small parties and weddings.  Before coming to the U.S. I was an insurance underwriter, specializing in contract bonding.


Well, I will stop here and perhaps share more at the reunion.  I am really looking forward to coming and seeing everyone.  Hopefully, some of you will remember me.  Looking at the website helped me remember many of you.


Pat and Steve and committee, thank you for all your wonderful hard work.  I know how much time you’ve had to put into this, especially trying to find all of us far away ones.


I need to share one more thing that really impressed me.  Pat had called me in CA back in November ‘06 to convince me to come to the reunion.  At the time I had already planned my husband’s surprise 50th on the reunion weekend.  Well, that call touched me so much that I rescheduled the surprise.  What a personal phone call can do!!  Thank you Pat.


See you all at the reunion.


Gaby Benedikt (Nedohin)

John Cucciniello
Contact Info

It has been 30 years since graduation.WOW.Everytime I drive by the old
school it seems like it was just yesterday and I still know all the
hall ways and the best short cuts to get to class on time,it seemed
that in the 70's it wasn't cool to go to class if your were  5 minutes
late, not like today when it seems that its not cool to arrive on
time,boy how things change in 30 years.

After graduating in 1977.I went on to study a Vanier College ,changed
programs at Vanier(no offense but the Science Program was not for me
,it was business!).After Vanier ,I went on to McGill University and
graduated from McGill in 1984 with a Bachelor of Commerce in
International Business,Accounting and Marketing.The time that I spent
at McGill were amazing,met brilliant people, made new friends and was
educated by some of the best business minds in Canada.It always blew
me away sitting in a classroom and listening to someone who was
smarter(you realize later on, you always learn something new from
someone who is smarter).

When I was getting my education at Vanier and McGill I was working on
a part time basis at the Sears warehouse(hey the pay was good,they had
a company softball league,it was great fun).

I left Sears in 1986 and got my first full time job working for a
company named Checksunlimted.They were basically a company that did
the same functions as VISA and MASTERCARD but with personal checks
instead of credit cards.It was a great first job,taught me a lot about
the real life business world,the ability to succeed and fail in the
sales world.I stayed with the company for 2 years and began to get
board and start to look for something more challenging.

One day I was looking through the classified ads in the Gazette and
ran across a 3 line ad looking for a representative in the Montreal,
Ottawa territory.I had no idea what or who I would be representing.I
took a shot and sent in a resume,one month later I get a call for an
interview.I went to the interview at the Holiday Inn but when I get
there ,the person that I was told to contact when I got to the hotel
,is not answering the phone.I try a second time and again no answer,so
being the impatient person that I am, I leave the Hotel and go to my
car .When I get to the car I say to myself give it one more try(I know
that its 3 strikes and your out),so I go back and this time the person
does answer the phone and the reason why I could not get hold of the
person was because he was having break feast.As I was doing the
interview,the interviewer finally told me that if I was selected I
would be a territory sales manager for a music company.I thought that
would be great and through luck or education or people skills ,I did
get the job.

I began working for Quality Special Products in September of 1988 and
I took over a territory that was very poor in the way it had been run
and serviced.I was basically working in a market that was 90% French
speaking and had no french music packages.After a number of requests
to the company that we should consider putting out some French music
packages to increase sales, they did and the sales did increase in a
big way in the territory.They increased so much that in the summer of
1990 at the company's annual convention in Toronto,I was voted the
Territory Manager of the year.At that convention ,I was shooting a
round of golf(every single hole was a dog leg ,drove me crazy,I told
them that when I lost the 6 golf balls, my day was over) with the
general manager(Ned Talmey) and the sales manager(Clive Eeg ).On the
second hole ,they asking me if a hockey video co edited by the company
and Don Cherry would sell.I told them that it would be big hit  with
the hockey consumer.The series of videos is still ongoing today but
instead of Rock em Sockem,they are just Don Cherry.I got to do some
work with Don Cherry,what you see on TV is not what you get,its
worse.He does really hate Quebec,I asked him,did the Habs get to you
that much(he thinks he is a great hockey mind now,could you imagine if
he would have won a Stanely Cup ,even just 1).

Then came the next challenge in January of 1992.After being named
Manager of the year ,Quality wanted to make some changes, they were
about to let go an assistant that was working in Quebec with myself.I
thought about it for a little bit and I called the general manager and
told him that instead of letting the assistant go,that I would be
leaving and opening up my own business.When I told Ned that I would be
leaving, I didn't hear a sound on the phone for about 30 seconds.I
asked if he was still there and all he mentions to me is "John,you
must have the biggest set of balls that a man can have".He tells me
that after being the Manager of the year and the substantial monetary
reward that came with the title ,I must have something in mind that
must be really good.I told him,I thought it was good idea and
hopefully that everything would work out.

I didn't how good it was going to be till a few years later but I was
at a point in my life that if I didn't do something on my own at 30
years of age I probably wouldn't take the risk later on in life.

Well,it was a good thing that I did leave the company at the time
,because within 4 years after leaving  Quality,the company closed its
doors.In the late 90's and even today,due to the downloading and all
that other stuff,the selling of music at the retail level has been in
a downturn.

In March of 1992 ,I opened The Card Palace at 946 Decarie ,which is
right across from Decarie Hot Dog(I am sure everyone has a visual at
this moment).When I decided to open my own business, you are always
confident but not sure if it will all work out.The industry that I was
opening the business in, had been around for 50 years but never in a
retail store format type of business.Collectible sports cards and
comic books have been around for many decades in hobby form but in
1991 it went to a new level.There were maybe 3 stores in the Montreal
region when I opened the store.In a matter of 12 months there were as
many as 100 plus stores in the same retail sectore.Just on the block
between Cote Vertu and Decelles,there were 7 stores selling sports
cards and related merchandise.The business in the first few years
exploded in both collectors and product available,it literally became
a financial windfall for many of the business that got into the sports
card hobby.As you can see from the pictures that I have submitted,we
were the only store in Montreal that was able to bring into the store
some of the top pro athletes from the Expos,Andre Dawson,Tim
Wallach,Larry Walker,Marquis Grissom,Mosies Alou,Cliff Floyd and Jeff
Bagwell).Check out the pictures.

The store enabled me to do extensive traveling to the United States
,went to many of the industry trade shows,which was very exciting.Got
to visit California,Chicago,New York,Texas,all very nice,would
probably live only in San Diego but Montreal is still  the best city
to live.

Then in January of 1994 I be came partners with Ace Lopes and opened a
comic book store at 1221 Cresent St in downtown Montreal.Everything
was going very well till July 25,1995.I was in my store on Decarie and
I get a phone call at about 10:00AM in the morning from Ace and he
tells me not to panic but that there is a small fire in the building
that the store was located.Well to make along story short,I get to the
location in about 10 minutes and there are 4 fire trucks at the
location.Within 2 hours the building is a total loss,we end up losing
everything.We ended up reopening right above Hurleys Pub and it still
turned out to be ok.The financial loss was massive.

We as a store became one of the best known hobby stores in Montreal
and still are as of this date.We are now located at 932 St.Croix which
is right next to the old TP Tavern (which is now a daycare center).

Over the years I have met and kept in contact with many of the
classmates. I have met a few in the store,on the baseball field,even
some the of the kids of  classmates have come to the store.Heck,one of
the teachers has a hobby store and we do business together ( MARCEL

Over the years the business has basically stayed the same.But we are
now in the ecommerce era and like many others in this retail field we
do a lot of business on the Internet and in particular on Ebay.I have
been on Ebay for 8 years,we use several names and sell both sports,
gaming cards along with comics and action figures.We are presently
looking to diversify .

Hoping to see some of the old faces in May 2007.Thanks to Pat and
Steve and everyone else with the reunion committee for putting it all
together.I have had other students from Fathermac tell me that they
wish someone in their graduating year had done a website like Pat and
Steve have done,super job.

Karen Armstrong
Contact Info


Wow, I have been contemplating what to write ever since I found out about this reunion.  It's a good thing that Steve gave us a deadline or I would still be avoiding it.  Right after highschool I moved to Don Mills with my Mom, kicking and screaming all the way. I did Grade 13 but really had no focus or desire to continue my education. I promptly got a job at AC Neilson's (ratings) and stayed there for 9 years.  That was back in the day when you could get a decent job without a degree.  I left there to start up an air compressor business in Hamilton with my husband, sister Colleen and my brother-in-law.  It was a complete failure but I learned a ton and moved to Guelph in the process. 
Go back a bit in time and in '85 I married Jim who I dated in highschool, although he was 2 years older and had gone to Laval Catholic Highschool. We are happy in Guelph and have two smart, really good kids, Matt in grade 11 and Laura in grade 9.  They don't seem to be showing any of the mildly delinquent ways of my youth!  While I haven't travelled too many places, I get to hear about them from Colleen Cabot who sends me a letter each Christmas listing her amazing globe trotting adventures. In return, I tell her all about my family, immediate and otherwise.  Doesn't seem like a fair trade but she never complains. The Great Lakes are all around us within a 2 hour drive, but I still love our little Lac Huard in Rawdon the best.  Our goal is to find a place like that right here in Ontario.
After the air compressor business went belly up I went to work down the road for Sleeman Breweries in Accounting.  I'm still there and have had various positions along the way (17 years and counting).  From Payables Supervisor to Sponsorships & Donations to my current and best job of being John Sleeman's Personal Assistant.  We were recently bought by Sapporo Breweries of Japan but they are quite keen on growing the business and I am happy to be both busy and employed.  Keeping my fingers crossed! 
I am happy and healthy and looking forward to seeing everyone again.  I must admit  though that some of the current photo's or names on this website don't really jar my memory even when I look in my yearbook.  I thought I knew everyone but it has become embarrassingly apparent to me that my ''Father Mac World" was really quite small.  Hope some of you out there remember me!
See you soon,

Al Jodoin
Contact Info

  Hello everyone. What have I been up to? After Father Mac I floated through
a couple years at John Abbott College without direction, dropping out to
go sell waterbeds with my older brother in the Hamilton area the summer of
'79. I sold a waterbed to a nice girl in November of '80. Piera liked my
pitch and married me the following Halloween. We've just returned from
celebrating our 25th anniversary on the Mayan Riviera. Our boys Adam, 23,
and Matthew, 21 had to stay home to feed the cats! Business was good
through the '80's. I ran several retail stores and exported to my
brother's Antwerpe waterbed store, the largest in Europe. But I wasn't
satisfied. One day I witnessed a traumatic fatality outside my store and
could not be of any assistance. I took a CPR and first aid course shortly
afterwards. I met some real paramedics who gave me accounts of their day
to day emergency responses. Well....I've found my calling! I've been an
advanced care paramedic and field training officer with Toronto EMS since
'95. They even let me on the bike team. I'm also teaching a primary care
paramedic program course in Burlington, public access defibrillation, CPR
and first aid. Now I'm satisfied.

Brendan Cahill
Contact Info

    "Hello one and all,was it you I used to know,can't you see me call,on this old ham radio" Steely Dan/King of the World/Countdown to Exctasy/1973...we were that 70's show without the laughtrack...met a lot of ex classmates in ndg in early 80's, as if they funnelled down there on their way off the island...after many renditions of "on the cover of the Rolling Stone" with me&Jim&Pete&Tom, actually got my picture in the thing as co-winner of their 1985 Investigative College Journalism Award...still out there doing it my way damn the consequences...presently co-managing the campaign office of person trying to unseat incumbent mayor of toronto...nice to see all the old pics... like the one of mody & pat o'reilly sharing a laugh ...last note ironic n' ya gotta laugh, after stumping to get us a yearbook, misplaced mine in 1978, haven't seen any of it since last week, anybody know where i can get a copy (should I call felix? or josten's?)...p.s. tim, in 1977, cdn dollar on a par with u.s. dollar, no atm's, digital watches/calculators were knew (remember spelling alpo?)...

Peter Tiedemann
Contact Info

     Most of you don’t remember me ‘cause I was the odd man out. I was to graduate in 1976 but had to stay an extra year before being set free to the world. So here is my short story ……


‘77 Graduated. Ah! Freedom at last.

'78 Met my soul mate Lynda Fryns, she went to Polyvalente Emile-Legault. Louise Lalonde, Marie-Josee Godin, Alexandra Krallis & Gail Sweeney might remember her.

‘80 Bought a 1971 BMW “2002” which I still have now.

‘82 Got married to Lynda and lived on Beaudet street corner St Aubin.

’83 Realized that 90% of the English speaking people I knew moved away from Quebec.

’84 Joined Air Canada as an aircraft avionics mechanic, where I still am.

’85 Our first child was born, a girl, Karla.

’86 Bought a house in St Eustache.

’87 Our second child was born, a boy, Erik.

’88 Moved to another house in St Eustache, where we still are now.

’92 We survived our mid-life crises.

               Hyper-Space to…..

’05 Somebody by the name of Patrick Raftus phones me at home to invite me to a High School Reunion, in “2007”, Wow!! Then I get E-mails from somebody else named Stephen Bourke, double Wow!! Sorry guys but even looking in the Year Book I don’t remember you. The Web-site is Great, it’s slowly jolting my memory, ( like electric shock treatment ).


So here we are in January ’06 and still over a year to go to see all the faces I don’t remember ( and there are lots ). Don’t feel bad I often can’t remember what I did yesterday!!! Imagine 30 years ago!!! I’m sure we’ll all have a great time at the reunion, trying to remember who is who.


What ever happened to the lead singer of “ B.W. RAT”, Joe Bulhose???


And by the way, I do remember saying in ’77 that David Pereira was the only one who made sense in the Year Book, quote: PD; Girl’s ski instructor, “Father”.       


                                                                             See Ya, Peter Tiedemann

Cathy-Ann Brault
Contact Info

Wow, has it been that long, it seems like only yesterday. Seeing so many familiar names brings back so many great memories. Once school was over went to work for Sears buying office in womens fashions, transferred to T.O., but didn't stay long, missed Montreal. have two wonderful handsome boys, Daniel 24 and Matthew 17. left my mate after 24 years and love being single. Did odd jobs over the years and then one of my brothers was diagnosed with brain cancer, left my job and cared for him till his death in August 2003, have since been on a sabbatical and did some travelling, but am starting my own business this year from my home in Westmount and also running a foundation i started in my brother's name Lloyd Brault Foundation which raises funds for the oncology and hemotology at the Montreal Children's as well as suppoting Hope & Cope at the Jewish General. I can't wait to see the many friends and familair faces ( i hope to regonize ) in 2007. Take care all.

Tom St. Louis (Commerford)
Contact Info

Webmaster's Note:
As you will see and read, Tom's submission warrants it's own page. Grab yourself a cup or a glass of something and enjoy. Thank-you Tom for the tremendous effort.
Click on Tom's page to visit.

Carolyn Hager (Hunger)
Contact Info


Phone 301-473-9262


Carolyn's update:
 After high school I went to Vanier and got a degree in languages,  thinking I wanted to be an interpreter until I saw one in action and found it too stressful-looking if you made a tiny mistake. Back then I was a competitive swimmer and I contacted many US universities looking for an athletic scholarship, finally landing one at the University of Maryland, where I graduated in 1982 with a degree in marketing. After university I spent 3 months backpacking in Europe with Joanne Dolbec and it was such a blast eating and drinking our way through various bakeries and wineries, tag-team accosting handsome men across an entire continent, etc. Back to Montreal to find a job as an assistant manager/gopher at a sportswear manufacturer for a year....showed me what I didn't want to do. I then went back to U of Maryland and received an MBA in marketing in 1985. Decided that corporate marketing was too plastic for me and so I went to work for the Washington DC Association for Retarded Citizens as a fundraiser for 3 years. Got married to my U of Maryland classmate Chris Hager in 1988 and moved to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Worked as Director of Marketing and Fund Development for a regional Girl Scout council in Pennsylvania for 8 years. Then came motherhood in 1997 with the adoption of our sons Andrew (now 8) and Nicholas (now 5). We currently live in a small Maryland town/commuter suburb an hour from Washington DC where my husband works for the government after many years in the corporate jungle. I have been happily ensconced at home these past 8 years as a domestic goddess (also known as homemaker) and it is the best job I have ever had. I lead a peaceful, relatively stress-free life and we have money enough to pay the bills. God is good.
Our youngest son is going to kindergarten this fall so I am going to dust off my resume and try to work from home part-time doing writing and editing of some sort.....The editor of What's with Mac high school newspaper has come back full circle! My mother and brothers still live in Montreal (my brothers both married French gals so I practice my French on them even though they are bilingual). I go back "home" at least twice a year to visit and stock up on bagels for my freezer. I became a U.S. citizen in 2002 so that I could once again have the privilege of voting somewhere after 20 years in limbo, but I still have my Canadian passport, and maple syrup runs through my veins. Are you bored yet? Tough. As you know, I have always been somewhat verbose.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the reunion in '07 . Feel free to call or write before then. There's no pals like your old pals!

Philippe Rabot
Contact Info



After graduating from Father Mac, I went to CEGEP at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf and law school at the University of Ottawa. I was called to the Bar in 1983. My career has been spent entirely within administrative tribunals. My first job was at the Public Service Commission of Canada, where I heard appeals of competitions results for federal public service positions. In 1990, I became Secretary of the Copyright Board of Canada, which sets copyright royalties to be paid for such matters as public performance of music and retransmission of television and radio signals. Three years later, I moved to Toronto and served as Vice-Chair of the Assessment Review Board of Ontario, directing a team of adjudicators that hear appeals of residential, commercial and industrial property assessments. I came back to Ottawa in 1998 as Chair of the RCMP External Review Committee, reviewing grievances by RCMP members and appeals of disciplinary proceedings within the Force. This job was an eye-opener because growing up in Central Canada had not given me a full appreciation of just how engrained the RCMP is in the psyche of both large and small communities in other parts of the country. Recently, I was appointed Commissioner of Review Tribunals established under the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Act. We have a team of almost 300 adjudicators across the country, mostly lawyers and medical practitioners, and much of our work consists in determining eligibility for disability benefits of C.P.P. contributors who claim that they can no longer work. We have a splendid web site: http://www.ocrt-bctr.gc.ca/ Aside from that, I am accumulating far too many frequent flyer points and staying in shape by running marathons -15 so far.  Personal situation can be summarized thusly: never married, no kids, not gay, still surveying the terrain, hope springs eternal.  Pat, Steve and their co-conspirators are to be commended for their yeomen's efforts in organizing the reunion, pursuing the lost members of the tribe and designing a wonderful web site.

John Cucciniello
Contact Info

In 1984 I graduated from McGill with a B.COM in Marketing,Accounting and International Business.
Went on to work as Territory Sales manager with Quality Records,worked with Don Cherry in selling Rock em Sockem Video series and many music records.
In 1991 left Quality Records at 31 years of age to open up my own business The Card Palace ,which sell sports cards,comics and action figures.I have had a great time building this store from the ground up and have met the most interesting people in the hobby.In my store I have had the likes of Andre Dawson,Tim Wallach,Larry Walker,Jeff Bagwell,Mosies Alou,Cliff Floyd and Marquis Grissom.
In 1998 ,along with one of my partners ,we held the most successful Star Wars convention in Montreal.We had the real Darth Vader,Boba Fett,R2D2 and various other actors.
Hoping to hear from others,
John Cucciniello

Marie-Josée Godin
Contact Info

Bonjour Everyone!


When my parents first told me I was going to attend english high school, I totally freaked out! It took me a long time to adapt to my new environment. I hung out mostly with the french gang (Liane, Louise, Josée, Élise…), had a huge crush on… for about 4 years and met my best friend (Hi Nat!).

I also met my future husband (a Holy Cross senior). Antoni Peters and I have 2 wonderful kids. We unfortunately parted in 1999. I moved to Québec city where I started my new life. My husband and I are surrounded with many children. I own a small business; a ‘boutique-atelier d’art’ in old Cap-Rouge. I am enjoying my life very much!


I was surprised when Patrick called. During our conversation, we found out we were neighbors, living on the same street in NDG for about 4 years and didn’t know about it!


It is so nice to see how much all of you Father Mackers reconnect! I wish I had that feeling but sadly many names don’t sound familiar to me; my fault because I was too shy to mix with the ‘crowd’.

The web site is wonderful and very much alive! Amazing detective work!


If anyone wishes to visit my business, you can do so at: www3.sympatico.ca/alain.garnier or if you want to contact me; brughel@sympatico.ca


Amitié à tous!


Marie-Josée Godin  :)


P.S.: It is always sad to hear about our fellow students and teachers passing away.

Brent Patterson
Contact Info

1977 grad wanna be. Hi all good to see such a great web site with active
members keeping every one up to date.  Some of you may remember me, as the
stranger who joined your ranks from Sir Winnie in 77.  It was the best move
I ever made. I have been keeping busy for the last 28 years living in
Pincourt with my wife of 26 years, Marie and our 2 daughters,Jessica 17 and
Amanda 18.

I run a small familly Upholstery business manufacturing engine covers for
the airline industry. I try to stay active in the summer with softball but
hybernate all winter. I have some great memories of Father Mac like the trip
to Italy and the badminton team. Mr Scalso's Phisics class, Mr. Boulton'n
English class He'd shoot me for my spelling as you can see. I look forward
to seeing you all in 2007."

Regards to all.

Brent Patterson
Kinnear Rembourrage
Tel:450 452 0336
Fax:450 452 0337

Linda Downey
Contact Info

Wow, great site and it's great seeing so many familiar faces on here.  Wow, where do I start??  Left Montreal in the late 70's, have pretty much been all over Canada since.  Moved to Edmonton in the late 70's, met my future husband in the early 80's, had my daughter in 1984....OMG, where have the years gone??!  Yes, my daughter is now almost 21.  Recently after 21 years of being married, left my husband and am now enjoying being single for the first time!
I work as a Regional Sales Manager with an international direct selling company and loving every minute of it.  Oh and I am now back living in Edmonton...having lived in Oshawa, Ont., Etobicoke, Ont., Nfld., Calgary and finally made my way back to Edmonton.  I go back and forth to Mtl. fairly often as our Head Office is in Pt. Claire.  I have maintained contact with some people, however, look forward to the reunion in 2007 to see so many people from so long ago....
Would love to hear from you - email address: foreveryoung46@msn.com 
See you in 2007!
Linda Downey

Natalie Peters
Contact Info

Hey all!

Ever since Patrick called me I’ve been thinking about the reunion and marveling at this website and how much has gone into it and how it’s brought back all the faces and names and people who were a part of our everyday life and then kind of faded away as we all went in our directions. 

After high school I went to Dawson to study fine arts (of course), loved it and totally immersed myself in what I loved to do, and vowed I’d never work in an office like my mom did.  Then enrolled in the Fine Arts program at Concordia, and the summer between cegep and Concordia took a trip across the USA and ended up in Provincetown, MA where I wanted to stay for the summer and be by the ocean.  Well I ended up meeting this guy there and dragged him up here when I went back to school.  That was in 1980.  We married a couple of years later, bought a house in the Plateau and that kind of put my art studies on the back shelf… the starving artist life wasn’t exactly lucrative, so I went to work, got a job in a bank where I worked for a couple of years and then POOF had a baby!  Went back to work, no longer at the bank but in the shipping industry (Empire Stevedoring to be exact) in Old Montreal, and have been there for 18 years WORKING IN AN OFFICE LIKE MY MOTHER DID, half the time kicking myself for not continuing in my passion, and the other half being happy with what I’ve accomplished where I am.  So here we are today, married 23 years, with two boys (they used to be boys) Chris is 19 and Jeff is 16.

After living 18 years and in the Plateau we came back “home” to St. Laurent in 2001, and I must admit that every time I go anywhere in St. Laurent I wonder if I’ll bump into someone from way back when.  So it’s been a marvel to read about all your lives since leaving Father Mac, and a surprise to know how many of us are still here or close by!  And a supreme job by the committee in reaching all those who’ve ventured farther! 

Thanks so much for your dedication, Patrick, Steve  (hey remember Cardinal Leger??!! – no!  remember the school bus ride to school?? Do you?) and Cindy and Myrna and Eddie.   This is wonderful, and I do look forward to seeing everybody – 2007 seems so far away!  If anyone wants to contact me, feel free – I’d love to hear from you.

Natalie Peters

Lynda Anne Gallay(Maniatis)
Contact Info

Hi everyone ... I can't believe it's going to be 30 years ... Well let me fill you in on what's gone on with me ... After highschool, my family moved to Chomedey Laval and I got a job at a bank downtown (with Tanya Reddy !!!) and I met my husband while working there. He used to manage a restaurant and made his daily deposits. I thought he was rich, was wrong, but loved him anyways and married him and it will be 26 years this year. We have two daughters, Vaia-Angela (25) and Christina (23).  For those of you who saw the movie; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; well that has been my life... I have lived next door to my greek inlaws for the past 26 years, with great advantages ... always had a babysitter when my daughters were young, we were always surrounded by family and never bored, and most importantly, we have been well fed by my mother in law. (I haven't cooked a meal in years !!!!!!!!!)  Life's been good, my husband and I love to travel any chance we get, Vaia-Angela has moved out on her own but Christina still lives the good life at home while she parties, goes to school (Concordia) and works. I never continued at the bank, after marriage I ended up working as an Office Manager for a chemical company in Ville St. Laurent where I am to this day.  My husband also left the restaurant business, and ended up in his studied field of Chemistry and works for a research company in Pointe Claire. It has been amazing to find out about the Web Site and see the old faces, both my daughters graduated from Father Macdonald and I thought that was nostalgic enough ... I was wrong ... I have been overwhelmed by alot of old memories and good times with the old gang, It will be fun to see the whole class of 77 after all these years ... although some of us met back in 1999 at the Father Macdonald Closing Party ... but the reunion will be just for the class of 77 ... and that will be special ... If anyone wants to get together before to reminisce about the old days ... just drop me a line ...would love to hear from you all.
Lynda Anne Gallay (Maniatis)

Mody (Marilyn) Bossy
Contact Info

Was it really all so much fun?  So much fun hanging out in “Place D’Acceuil” ( it took me years to figure out what that meant.) I remember playing hooky with Nancy McGuire and a few others to go horse back riding up north one Wednesday afternoon.  MONIQUE (Scotty) knew!!!   The Godspell production (Sandi Carmichael where are you?).  Smoking Colts (Great pic of Donna Cockburn in the year book if I remember correctly) in the Home Ec lab while cleaning up after our lasagne making lab with Mr. Scalzo (great home made wine!).  Me, Carolyn Unger, Gail Sweeny, Narja Leiva, (others) making up that silly song about …well never mind!  Narja, can you still put your legs behind your head?  That was awesome!!  Oh! Do you all remember that FANTASTIC dance production a bunch of girls did to Jesus Christ Superstar?  Alex, your solo dance as Simon Zealots blew me away.  I still get goose pimple thinking about it.  And Joanne Dalbec, your King Herod was hilarious!  I remember your …er… problem with the … er …buttons !!  Taking off with Nancy (again) and Cathy Brault  during a second period “free” to go to the Bateau for a beer.  (just to do it ya know?) Learning how to “develop” (photos of course) with Felix Notte in the darkroom.  You know what?  He asked Lawrence Fix to come in and rescue him from me if heard him yell!  “whatever!”  Lawerence, dear bud, for letting me copy his lab reports AFTER they had been handed back marked.  Mr. Bolton wearing jeans once or twice a year and bringing his guitar to class and playing!  Girls, remember (Anna I can see you do, great photo) that thrilling 2nd game victory over Pierrefonds to win the hockey championship?  The tourney in Messina, New York where we were blanked every game and then finally scoring that one goal in the last game and the whole team swamping the ice in a frenzy of excitement!  Oh God the bus ride to New York with Joanne McNeil telling “Dirty Ernie” jokes?!  Mr. Miller (Pierrefonds) sitting amidst a gaggle of baby doll clad girls in the hotel.  Cindy remember our billet on that trip to Saugus?? Oh God, remember Saugas?!!! Natalie I KNOW you remember me feeding you that inappropriate Ukrainian quote to say to Mr. Zadorozny in art!!  Did he kick you out of class for that??  Flirting with …sigh… Felix Notte!  I had it bad!   Oh man I remember being discovered by a table of faculty in a bar during all those teacher strikes (I swear I am not a drunk!!)  in 1975.  Remember Mr. Burman and Mr. Atkins (Oh Paul, you know Paul!)  dressing up stunningly as women for some event! (not bad legs guys!)  How about that “Don’t Bogart That Joint” video that Doug Johnston and (….and…  who else???) did in English class?  Cathy Sheridan, Laura Belisle, Theresa Dover … you were all a big part of my high school life!  I couldn’t get enough of knowing everyone!   Post Graduation…. Visiting Joe Strunga in Edmonton and staying 20 years!!!  Seeing Linda Downey there my first night.  Sort of.   Nancy and Sheila visiting me in Edmonton and going dancing in a pub where girls still did not dance together as yet...but we did!  Running into Jim Burke in a library in Edmonton (he recognized my NOSE fer cryin’ out loud!) And hearing from Tom Cumberford after that!   Running into Joanne McNeil in Edmonton where she was in the Army getting a fantastic education!  And meeting up with Andrea Morin in Edmonton.  She was visiting with a boyfriend who happened to know mine!  I wasn’t there but they went tubing in the Okanogan!  Beautiful!  Visiting Cathie Pegan in beautiful Virginia and going to the Smithsonian (I still have the noodle maker your parents gave me AND use it!!)  Oh yeh!  Running into Kathleen Griffin (the beautiful smile) at a baseball game in Edmonton!  That was a hoot!

So much more!!  So many memories!  I want to write forever about it!  Two people I have something personal to say to…Debbie Cotton and Narja Leiva.  Email me? Personally, so much livin’ and adventurin' to do after high school, then home for years with my kids and finally going back to school in 1998 and getting my MCSE (microsft certified systems engineer) in an accelerated course and doing tech work with the BC gov for a few years and now a high paid (*grin*) civil servant doing  IT/Ministry client relations work for them.  Gotta love it!  Would love to hear from anyone mbossy@shaw.ca to share memories! And current stories!  God you all look and sound  so great on the web site!  Mody

Patrick Raftus
Contact Info

Hello everyone,
I am not to sure where I should begin but here goes. After leaving Father McDonald High School in `77, I went to study at Vanier CEGEP in Social Sciences. I left Vanier in `79 and went to work for Aviation Electric in Ville Saint-Laurent.I worked as a clerk in the Production Control Dept. I left in `82 to return to school with the goal of completing my CEGEP studies.In`84, I left Montreal and embarked on a trip to Australia which had been a life-long dream of mine. I remained Down Under until March `85. From Australia, I then went to Asia where I traveled overland and visited several countries ( Nepal,Thailand, India ).I continued my overland journey to the Middle East ( Pakistan, Jordan Syria, Iran, Turkey ) and eventually arrived in the European continent.I spent some time in Europe visiting Yugoslavia, Greece, Germany, Austria, France and Belgium.I arrived back in Canada in late `85 with a wealth of knowledge but penniless. In `86, I decided to change career paths and returned to Dawson CEGEP to pursue courses in the health field.In `87, I began to work in the hospital milieu, first as a companion and then as an orderly.In the same year, I met my future wife to be.In`89, we became engaged and got married in`90.I found work at Mount Sinai Hospital in `90 who remain to this day my present employer.In`93, my son, Jonathan was born. Joseph, his brother followed him in `2000. They are the pride and joy of their parents. Jonathan will be starting his first year of High School this coming Sept. and my youngest will be entering Kindergarten in Sept.also.My wife and I have continued to indulge in my favorite pastime over the last several years with trips overseas to Japan on 2 occasions and Vietnam on 4 separate occasions.We live a quiet but busy lifestyle in NDG where we have resided since `89. My sons are very active in the local sports scene and this allows me the opportunity to pursue one of my passions in life and that is to coach youngsters in a team sport such as hockey and baseball.I hope that I have not put anyone to sleep while you read this letter.I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our reunion in 2007.

Joseph Klein
Contact Info

Hi all ….


Amazing site … this is wonderful. To think it has been almost 30 years since leaving St. Laurent by school bus for the last time as one of the commuters from Pierrefonds.

Father Macdonald/Holy Cross Comprehensive High School – sure was a long one. Father Mac was a lot easier. Do you all remember the construction years – the wooden hallway between the two buildings? Going through the names of people contacted and those not yet contacted was a wonderful trip down memory lane. For those of you who remember me, here is a bit of history to catch up.


After high school was a year and half of Cegep at John Abbott but not the right field. I took a year off and traveled ending up back in Montreal working at the Westin Bonaveture to pay for my travels (now a Hilton). 4 years later I left the hotel and joined Wardair Canada out of Toronto for 7 years as a flight attendant/InFlight Service Manager, and Manager of Leadership Training. When the company was sold I joined Canadian Pacific Hotels (now Fairmont) as Regional Director of Training based in Calgary for 5 years and then back to Montreal for the same job for 2 more years. Back again to Alberta as Director of Operations at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, living in Canmore for 6 years, and now General Manager of the Fairmont Algonquin Hotel and Golf Course in St. Andrews New Brunswick, for the last two years with my wife Lucie of 14 years and our 11 year old son Mathieu.


House, dog, station wagon, white picket fence…. Just like in the movies


Hey John … you still ride dirt bike? I look forward to re-connecting


Joseph Klein

Debbie Lord (Loewen)
Contact Info

To all you Father Mac'ers


I'm looking forward to re-connecting with all the gang.

After graduating, I really didn't see any reason to pursue any more educational possibilities, so I went to work for the Royal Bank branch downtown. I met my husband, Wallis, on a blind date in 1990, we were married in 1999. We have no children, (other than him that is). He works for Easton Sports Canada in the European shipping department. I posted our photo so you can see if I've changed over the years. I left the Royal after they merged with the Royal Trust and my job became redundant. Found another job at the Hong Kong Bank of Canada (HSBC), stayed there for nine years but once again had my job centralized, so I'm looking for employment once again? See you soon.

Kathleen Griffin
Contact Info

Hello Father Mac-ers!

I have been out of touch for many years - which I hope to rectify now.

Here's what I've been up to: In 1979, I left Montreal for the University of Waterloo where I received a degree in Chemical Engineering. There I met my husband of 20 years, Chris Lumb, who is (yes you guessed it) another chemical engineer.

When I graduated in 1983, I moved to Alberta with all the other chemical engineers, and have been there ever since. I have worked in various engineering-related jobs - in fact, I spent one summer on a barge in the Beaufort Sea! I am now working for Enbridge Pipelines in Edmonton (www.enbridge.com) as a project manager in IT. I have a great job - they pay you to talk to adults and to solve interesting problems.

Chris runs a cool company called Micralyne (www.micralyne.com) where they make very small things. Check it out!

We have two boys- Brendan (16), Farran (14), and one girl - Rowan (9). Unfortunately, we also have two dogs, so there's always a lot happening at home. As in most families, our kids are busy with hockey, soccer, dance, music lessons, swimming, and the like. I ruined my knee playing women's soccer in the 'white wine' league, so I have to stick to running in a straight line from now on.

We love the West, but still enjoy visits to the East. Most of my family has left Montreal for the wastelands of southern Ontario, so we try to get there for a Griffin visit every summer. We also enjoy skiing and 'beach-ing' on the BC West Coast and Interior, and enjoy camping in the Alberta Rockies.

We are seriously considering attending the reunion in 2007. I am looking forward to seeing my old friends, and showing my kids where I grew up.

Thanks to Patrick, Steve and company for having the idea in the first place, and putting in the hard work to make it happen.

Regards to all -



Cynthia Aboud
Contact Info

Where to start?!  It seems impossible that 28 years has gone by.  Looking at all the names that have been found and going back to the year book, it’s going to be difficult to wait 2 years until the reunion.


After high school, I went to Marianopolis and then on to Concordia, graduating in Commerce in 1982.  Took off to Sweden for about 8 months then came back to work in various small businesses in marketing. Got married in 1986-my husband Steve and I have two great kids, Daniel 11 and Lauren 9 and we live in Beaconsfield.   After completing an MBA in 1991, I went to work at Scotia Bank in commercial lending, staying for six years. Two years at Laurentian Bank and the last 5 and half years working in Asset Based Lending for Montcap Financial Corporation here in downtown Montreal

( caboud@montcap.com ). 


Playing ‘six degrees of separation’ while reading some of the stories so far is a lot of fun, for instance, one of my friends who works at BDC was talking to me about Ron Panetta the other day.  I’ll bet many of us walk right by each other without even knowing about it.


When Patrick called a couple of weeks ago, I was thrilled to hear of the reunion.  Thanks to him and Steve for all the effort getting this organized.

Donald Kaylor
Contact Info

Hello former Father Macites!


After Father Mac, I stopped by Vanier College and McGill University (B.Sc. in Geology) on my way to work in Calgary in the oil exploration industry (Shell Canada).  After a few years out west, I re-visited McGill (M.Sc. in Geology, followed by a “Graduate Diploma in Waste Management and Groundwater Contamination”).  After that, I was well qualified to pollute groundwater and take out the trash.


In 1986, I met my future wife Ida, and we were married in 1987 (in Montreal).  Soon after that, I answered a classified ad in a Boston newspaper for an Environmental Geologist, got a job, and moved to Boston.  Three days later the company asked me to help open a new office in the Detroit area.  Luckily, I had not unpacked, so I moved to Michigan, where I remain to this day.


My wife and I have two children; Elizabeth is thirteen and Stephen is eleven (both born in Montreal through a series of coincidences).  We live in Berkley, Michigan, which is a suburb of Detroit, in Oakland County, home to the American auto industry.  I have worked for my current employer, Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI – www.psiusa.com) for eight years as manager of its Michigan environmental services (five offices in Michigan).  My group handles requests for pre- and post-purchase environmental site assessments (ESAs) of commercial and industrial properties, leaking underground storage tanks, asbestos, mold, lead-based paint, etc.


I still see the former Father MacDonald-Holy Cross buildings at least two or three time a year, as my family still owns a house at the end of the circle (Place Lafortune Est) that faces the “Holy Cross” portion of the school.


thanks to all who are participating in the reunion effort!


Maria Caputo(De Cubellis)
Contact Info

Hi Everyone!!


Wow, going back almost 30 years and a chance to reconnect with the past! I didn’t think we were so many!! It’ll be fun to be in a room full of people I haven’t seen since 1977. There are a lot of familiar names and so many others I do not recognize. I wish I had the yearbook!


Well soon after high school I met my future husband and in 1981 we were married. We have 3 wonderful children. My son Dante is not so little, now 20 years old, is in

his 2nd year at McGill. My daughter Liane 18 attends John Abbott and my baby Sara turns 10 in April.  Kirkland, West Island is our home and we love it.


I worked a little over a year with the Bank of Montreal and then 9 great years for Sears until they centralized and moved to Ottawa. I then went on to work for Abbott Laboratories, it’s now 17 years. In May this year I will be moving on to a spin-off company of Abbott called Hospira. They are a specialty pharmaceutical company also located in St .Laurent, right down the street from Father Mac!!


Other than that I also love taking photos. I do a lot of sports photography, portraits and even corporate calendars with photos. Last year I did my first wedding! 


Take care and hope to see you all soon… Maria


Evelyne Micyk
Contact Info

I am so thrilled to see all these familiar names. Unbelievable how it actually brings me back , but it really only feels like yesterday. Definitely not 28 years!!!!!

I will give you the short version of my life to now. Married in 83 have 2 absolutely handsome young men aged 19 and 16.  Nick (19) attends John Abbott and Chris(16) attends Laurenhill. I divorced in 92 and started to work at the Montreal General Hospital Aids Clinic. I was there for about 5 years loved my job but the pay was not enough for a single mom with 2 children. I started to work for a friend of mine as a sales rep for an injection molding company. Stayed there for about 3 years then decided to open my own which to this date is still in business. I moved to Pincourt in 2000 with my children and my present mate. To keep myself even more occupied I became a real estate agent. I have been quite successful at this venture and enjoy it tremendously.** If you decide to sell your property and you list with me I will donate 5% of my commissions from the sale to the reunion for wherever its  needed. **

Hope this can help out a bit and really look forward to seeing everyone .C’mon now we are all very curious, send in your pics and bios……..Patrick and Steve congratulations on a perfect website!

Genny Gomes
Contact Info

Hello everyone,

 After Father Mac I went to work as a receptionist for Bouclair’s Head Office, and then I worked for the Royal Bank for about 11 years in various positions and branches. I then joined a small financial planning firm, Kerr Financial, and have been working there for the last 15 years.  I work in the Estate and Trust area as a consultant.

I met my husband Stephen in 1981 at the Manior Brasserie (out drinking with the girls) and we got married in 1987.  He’s a super guy.  We have 2 great sons, Zachary soon to be 13 years old (yikes a teenager!) and Alexander 9 years old and our 3 year old Rottweiler, Tia.  (The best dog ever). We presently live on the West Island in Pointe Claire.

I am looking forward to see everyone at the reunion.


Steve Bourke
Contact Info

Hi to all !!! I left high school and went on to do half a semester at Vanier. I recieved a call one day from my brother saying that there was an opening at Canadair in St.Laurent. I made a decision to try it out and I've been working there ever since. I'm in my 26th year ! I got married 19 years ago and have 3 gorgeous girls, Amanda, Ashley and Alexandria.I now live in St.Eustache.I also work as a computer technician and tutor. I have a small business dedicated to fixing and optimizing personal computers in the clients home. Working on this web site has brought back tons of memories from waaaaay back then. It would be a pleasure to hear from anyone.Be good.


Howard Naud
Contact Info
Greetings to everyone from the Class of '77! As I see the names of those that have attended, some I recognize and some I do not. I didn't realize how many of us there was (was the school that big??). It is nice to see that this reunion is coming together. A special "Thanks" goes out to Patrick and Steve for working on this project. Now, without further a due ...a bit about myself:
After graduating from Father Mac, I attended Vanier college for a year (Commerce), moved over to Dawson college (Social Studies, and Graphic Arts) for 2 years. I left college before completing it to answer the call..... the 9 to 5 call. I tried a variety of jobs ... Busboy ... Chambermaid ... and even had a high position, with thousands of people beneath me! (I worked as a groundskeeper at the Mount Royal Cemetery in the summer of 1980).
In the Fall of 1980, I was introduced to the Walls of the Royal Victoria Hospital - where I started working as a Transport Attendant (porter). I have been there ever since. Worked in the Transport department for 11 years - transferred to the Central Supply Room (CSR) as a sterilization Attendant (did that for 9 years), and then moved to the General Stores department, where I am now presently working as a Medical Stock Clerk. This year I will be celebrating my 25 years of service with the RVH  - now called the MUHC (McGill University Health Centre).
I am also a Union activist at the RVH. Presently I hold the position of "Information Officer" for the "Employees Union of the Royal Victoria Hospital - CSN".
I am presently married (2nd time around) for over 20 years, and have a son who is 19. (no details about the first one - some things should be kept buried). I have to admit that I am a lot happier now than I was before.
hobbies: Well, back in High School I was a "Star Trek" nut!! But after attending a "Trek" convention in '78 I lost most of my interest in it (seeing a 84 year old woman dressed in a yeoman's uniform will do that to you!). I still watch the shows, but do not collect anything (like I use to before '78). I still enjoy Science Fiction TV shows - like Stargate and the Trek shows, but I have been bitten by a oriental bug (no, not the flu) and find myself interested in ... "Japanese Animation!". I watch and collect a variety of "Anime" (as it is commonly known), but will not go to Anime conventions for fear of seeing 84 year olds dressed up as their favourite anime characters!!!
Well, that's a little look into my life (got to keep some for the reunion). I hope others will give us a little glimpse into their lives. See you all at the reunion.

David Allatt
Contact Info
After high school, I continued my education and went on to CEGEP (Marianopolis) and university (McGill & Concordia) and ended up with a Bsc in Physiology (’83) and a Graduate Diploma in Computer Science (‘86).

I then worked a 1-year contract (ending ’87) as a programmer at McGill University, where Gregg Dolbec was also working in an associated department.

In 1988, I started working as a programmer at CAE Electronics – working in their Energy Control System department.

In ‘91 (as I hit my 30’s) I decided that it was time to leave home and bought a house in Pointe-Claire. What can I say, I was an only child and my parents spoilt me and living at home had its advantages.

In early ’92, I began dating the woman who would become my wife. (There’s a long and sordid background story here, but I’m not going to get into it.) Sarah and I were married in May of ’93 and then in ’95 had our first son, Kyle.

Near the end of ’96, I was still working at CAE, now as a group leader, and the work environment was becoming less than ideal. So I began looking for a new job in January of ’97 and quickly found and accepted a position as a development manager at Cognos in Ottawa. I started at Cognos in March of ’97 and continue to work there today. By July of ‘97, the whole family had relocated to Ottawa and we have been living in Barrhaven (Nepean) ever since.

In ’99, my second son, Keith, was born. Then in 2000, we had a daughter, Kristina and have now limited ourselves to the three kids.

Life since 2000 has largely being raising the kids and family oriented.


Nancy Fiorilli
Contact Info

Hi Everyone! I left Father McDonald and went to work at Nordair Airlines, and eventually was at Canadian Airlines for 23 years, as an Accounts Receivable Supervisor. I married my husband Mike in 1986 after dating for 7 years (it was about time to get married) we have been married for almost 19 years.  I have two girls, one 16 and one 7. I decided to leave my job to become a stay at home mom when my younger daughter has meningitis. Priorities in life have a way of changing!!  I now spend most of my time at school as a volunteer library mom, tutoring elementary school children with reading disabilities, and work on the parent participation organization. Thank you Patrick and Steve for making this web site available. I have been in contact with a few friends and it has been great. I look forward to seeing eveyone at the reunion.....

Take care, Nancy

Ron Panetta
Contact Info

(not submitted)

Greetings to all fellow Father Mackers!  Well where to I start!
Following high school graduation in 1977, and after completing University with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Concordia University in 1982 I began tackling the day to day realities of  the workforce. In 1984 I got married to my wife Mary of 20 years and I am proud to say we have two wonderful girls - one eighteen (Sabrina, after of course one of the Charlie's Angels) and the other eleven years old (Melissa). In 1986 after working for Canadian Bond Rating Services (since amalgamated with Standard and Poors) and Twinpak Manufacturing on the West Island I decided to go into banking and began working for the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC). It has been a fun and adventurous 19 year ride with the Bank with our first move outside of Montreal in 1993 to Peterborough, Ontario. In 1996 we were on our way, this time to London Ontario where we lived for 7 years. In 2003 we packed our bags once again for Toronto where we now make our home in Oakville, Ontario. 
I am really looking forward to the reunion so that we can reminisce on old times and catch up on what is hard to believe has been almost 30 years!
Kudos' to Patrick Raftus for having the energy, vision, passion and determination to make a difference in our busy lives.
Ron Panetta

Jean-Pierre Rayes
Contact Info
Hi there old friends, bonjour chers amis… wow almost 30 years…

Well after graduating from Father MacDonald, I went on to Vanier College and Concordia University to complete a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1982.

During these school years I worked part-time at Nordair as a computer operator, where I traveled to places like Australia and later met my wife Susan during the Nordair strike before starting my first real job at Air Canada as a computer programmer.

In June this year, we will be celebrating 20 years of marriage with our daughter, Camille who will be 18 in February and our son, Justin who will be 15 in June. Except for a brief time in Boucherville, we always made Saint-Laurent our home.

After Air Canada, I worked for a manufacturing company as a comptroller before I moved on with IBM as a project manager, where I am currently commuting on an assignment in Atlanta, GA.

Much has transpired in the last 28 years to write here and I hope to exchange news with all of you. I also hope to see Mr. Lancione again, which I crossed path when my daughter was in elementary school as he was picking up his own daughter.

In the meantime you can take a look at my beginner’s website, http://pages.infinit.net/jeanpier/ or checkout my first online photo album at http://www.photo.epson.com/ and enter “jeanpierreqc@hotmail.com” at the “Visit Albums” email entry field.

I am not sure if there ever was a class 77 reunion before this but I am really looking forward to this reunion and thanks to Patrick and Steve for taking the time to organize this wonderful event.

See you all soon, JP.

Andrea Morin
Contact Info
Greetings all!

Upon leaving Father Mac just before graduation, my brother Steve, my
boyfriend at the time and I, helped my mom move all her belongings
across Canada to Vancouver in a one ton truck. What an adventure that
was and, at 17 we were lucky to have made it all in one piece, thank the
Lord! I loved Vancouver so much that I decided to stay, finish my
education and completely change my life.

Not long after my boyfriend left to go home for Montreal, I met my
future husband, got married during Expo 86 and gave birth to three
wonderful children. I founded the East Burnaby Family Place Society in
1992 and became Executive Director of the government funded resource
centre for caregivers and children. It still runs today and is part of a
larger group of Family Places. I only work two days a week so I can
still be a "stay at home mom" the rest of the time and do what I  love
to do.

After 17 years of marriage, I am now divorced and have a boyfriend who
treats me very well. We travel, take dance lessons, work out at the
local gym and enjoy the night life. I wouldn't change a thing and still
love Vancouver very much. The climate, scenery and people are out of
this world and I consider Vancouver my home now.

I hope to make it to the reunion in 2007 to see all of you and, some
family members again. In the meantime, send me an email....I'd love to
hear from you....especially Janice Dupuis, Joanne MacNeil, Marie Noelle
Issa, Susan McDougald, Theresa Matthews and Vivian Ferraz. Also, post
those photos guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bonita Tabensky
Contact Info
Hello to everyone!!!  It is great seeing all those familiar names on the Contacted list, I actually found my 1977 Yearbook and had a good laugh.  Now for a little about myself, a year after Hight School I started working for TD Canada Trust so this March I will be celebrating my 26 years with the Bank, and I love it, over the years I've done a great variety of jobs and I'm currently doing the Administration part of Banking with 4 Branchs and working with our Regional Office a couple of days a week.  I left Montreal in 1985 and moved to Ottawa with my futur husband Glenn, we got  married in 1987 and have been happily married since, we have a 13 year old daughter named Kayla who keeps us busy since she is an only child.  We live on the outskirt of Ottawa in a town called Rockland, it was hard moving to a small town after living in Montreal our whole lives, but we got used to it and have seen the town grow so much.  I would love to here from my old school friends out there, so if you have a moment please send me an e-mail.  Andrea great picture!!  Susan McDougald I'm wondering if you are still in contact with Theresa' so if you have time please send me an e-mail it would be great to here from you.  Hope to see everyone in 2007, keep well....Bonita 

John Schwinghamer
Contact Info

So much news, so little time…

After I left Father Mac I did a B.Comm at Concordia in finance.  Then I started my career in finance on the floor of the now defunct Montreal Stock Exchange as a floor trader.  I specialized in derivatives until 1999 where my last job was as Senior VP with Fimat Derivatives, a unit of Societe Generale a big French bank.  At that point I was bored with derivatives and became CFO for an Internet company that I helped to list on Nasdaq (this was once worth a small fortune on paper - which must have been written in disappearing Ink because like many Internet companies it is now worth less than a cup of coffee).  After my Internet phase I returned to my true passion which is investments so I joined Canaccord Capital as a stockbroker in 2002 and have built a promising business since then.

In my personal life, I married another Father Mack graduate, Jane Zdansky – she was a year ahead of us.  We will be married 18 years this summer and we have 3 great kids, Michael 16, Rose 14 and Alec 12.We used to live in Westmount but we decided to give our kids a real education so we moved to St-Henri near the Canal where we are in the process of restoring a couple of 100 year old buildings.  Things are good, life is interesting.

Kudos to Steve and Patrick for doing such a great job! I strongly encourage all of you to post a little bio – I love reading the updates!


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