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Mr. King was the
best teacher at father mac. whenever I see a movie, or hear about great teachers, I think of him.
Do I miss Montreal? You bet! But it's not for the
reasons you think. Even though I absolutely love living in Vancouver, I definitely miss the chance of casually bumping into
all my old friends from Father Mac. How I'd love to be out shopping and run into someone I haven't seen in years to catch
up on all the latest news. Or, just to be able to call a friend and go for a coffee, lunch or better still, ladies night out!
I've made a lot of new friends here in Vancouver but no matter what, they will never replace the friends I grew up with.
"Father Macdonald Comprehensive High School was part of my life for 5 years during the 70's, a fun
time and era growing up as a young teenager. Lots of good memories with classmates, teachers and friends. Classmates like Mike Adamowicz and David Allat one of my first classmates from
grade 1, Pierre Aziz, Steve Bourke and Richard Calfat; Tom Comerford and Ken Connors, Theresa
Dover and those 6 bus rides a day, the Italian connection of John Cuccinello and Sab Della Sala - Sab do
you remember all those ball hockey games! What about Carmine DeVitto and Mark Glazer, Tony Galasso, Pierre
Ingram; Jolander, Johnston, Jodoin, Kaylor,Kochamba, and of course Peter Kopystecki. Catherine
Tremblay my grad partner; Tom Luczak and Kenny MacNeil - lots of fun rivaling Kenny at ping-pong! . Sab
Oliva and Steve Oulton, the other Panetta of course - Peanuts! and Panacui, who could forget Oresto, Annita Pamel, Debbie Mergl and Sandy Carmichael, Peter Pharand,Tom Wordan the brain and George Salama, and Phillippe Rabot to name just a few, and
of course Patrick Raftus someone I have know all my life! Thanks for the memories!"
It Never Snows in Denver!
OK! So sometimes it does snow in Denver!
enough, three issues contribute to our national TV coverage when it does snow here: A lot of Denverites are "transplants"
from either California or Mexico and have no idea how to drive in the snow; the city does not throw any material on the roads
to help melt the snow or with the ice; and the airport is in the middle of nowhere wide open to the elements.
As usual, the ski resorts did receive much
more snow than the suburbs, and unfortunately, suffered as nobody could get from the airport to the mountains.
Wishes to all for a wonderful (and especially healthy) 2007!
I just want to say HI to Steve ... and to keep
up the great work on the website. Also, I wish more of you would send in pictures and/or stories. Seeing and reading
from you all is what makes this website so interesting.
Re: Mr. David King - Passing
I have fond memories of Mr. King and how he
taught his classes. I had the most respect. He was able to convey his ideas in a way most students understood.
His enthusiasm was contagious.
My brother writes this about our teacher, "Sorry guys just wanted to add to my last
email that hearing about the death of Mr. King is very saddening for me since I really liked him as a a teacher and even more
so as a person. When I was at Father Mac he drove me to a few running races out of town. I appreciated it very much since
there were few teachers that would do that gesture. I also visited him in his office and he would take the time to talk. When
he spoke to students he spoke directly to them and not down at them as if they were his equal. He had respect for his peers
as well as his students. He will be greatly missed."
How about that picture from Grade 6!
Hello everyone, I would like to take this
opportunity to thank all of you who have taken the time to send a photo or article to Steve.I always look forward to looking
at the photos or articles that have been sent in by you. A big thank you to all of you who have offered to help us put
this wonderful reunion together.Your help is much appreciated! It will really be a team effort. I`m sure that I am not alone
in saying that this reunion will be a special day for many of us. We will be getting together with old friends that some
of us may not have seen since `77. How time flies!! I never anticipated the overwhelming positive response on your part
when I set out in Jan./05 to organize a reunion for our 30th anniversary. I look forward to seeing as many people from our class
of `77.
All the best and lots of joy and happiness
in the coming new year. Patrick
